The Classic BLT . . .

I’d say my second-favorite sandwich is bacon, lettuce, and tomato on wheat bread with low-fat salad spread and a little salt and pepper. Mmm. With a healthful mix of low-sodium turkey bacon, romaine lettuce, and organic stem-on tomatoes, this second-favorite sandwich is packed with natural vitamin C, beneficial fiber, and complex, energy-producing carbs. Delicious!

“Now just a minute!” you say. “Second-favorite sandwich? So what’s in first place?” At the risk of being accused of unduly influencing you to stray from any of your New Year resolutions, I hesitate to tell you. But, seeing that most resolutions never see the light of March, much less make it to Lent, here goes: My all-time favorite sandwich is also a BLT. However, to reach top status, it must be made with white bread, regular bacon, iceberg lettuce, and home-grown Better Boy® tomatoes. Oh, and both pieces of bread have to be slathered with Duke’s real mayonnaise. Classic!

And there you have it. I’m not proud of it, but you did twist my arm. And, since I’m writing this just before lunch and my stomach is starting to growl, I should let you go.

Oh wait. I remember why sandwiches are on my brain! Someone at church last week commented that I now had a “sandwich family.” A little slow on the uptake, I asked, “What’s that?” It was, I learned, a family where a middle-aged couple’s elderly parents and their grown children live with them. (I know—who are they calling “middle aged”?) All I can say is that being a sandwich family is pretty cool—I get to play with my grandkids every day.

So, if you really pressed me, I’d have to confess that the rankings of my favorite sandwiches have been rearranged. First is still the classic BLT, but giving it a run for its money is my delightful new sandwich family. I’m afraid the healthy BLT is now a very, very distant third.

Okay, lunchtime!