Our services are individually priced so that you can choose exactly what you need to prepare your book for publication—no more, no less.



($75) – We review your manuscript to determine its state of readiness for publishing. We make recommendations for best practices for word processing setup and manuscript structure. Having the manuscript in top form speeds the layout process, lessens the possibilities for errors, and reduces overall costs.


(Custom quote based on $50 hourly rate) – We provide basic editing of your manuscript for word choice, sentence structure, spelling and grammar.


(Custom quote based on $50 hourly rate) – We consider the type of book you are publishing, your personal direction, and our design experience to produce 2 sample layout designs from which you will make a choice. We will make one round of modifications to your chosen layout design at your request. Once we are settled on a design, we will use publishing standard Adobe InDesign to lay out your manuscript. A low-resolution PDF of the completed layout will be provided to you for review. The standard rate allows for up to 25 edits/corrections to be made; additional edits/corrections will incur a $50 hourly rate charge (a good reason to be sure the manuscript is in top condition and has been copyedited). The final full-resolution print-ready PDF will be provided via an online sharing service (e.g., Dropbox) along with a final low-resolution PDF suitable for e-books (see additional e-book formats below). You can provide the print-ready PDF to the print vendor of your choice.



($1.00 per page) – This service involves review of the completed layout to flag any issues that may have been overlooked or introduced during the layout process, including page number references, spelling, math accuracy, capitalization and quoting.


($250–$400) – This service includes a complete soft-cover design (front, back & spine). The cost range indicates simple to more complex, which may include image purchases and additional design time. A cost quote for the cover design is given and accepted before work is begun. As with the internal page design, 2 sample cover designs will be provided from which you will make a choice. One round of modifications is included; additional edits or changes will incur a $45 hourly rate charge.


($2.00 per indexable page) – As the author, you provide a list of index terms you wish to be indexed. Our service takes those terms (and related instances) and compiles an index from the internal layout pages (front matter, references and charts are typically not included).


(ePub or mobi) ($150) – Utilizing the page layout we have designed, we will produce an e-book file formatted to your choice (ePub, mobi). (Please keep in mind that e-books, other than PDFs, do not exactly replicate the layout designed for print. Indexes are not included.)